OpenAI on Thursday announced a prototype of its own search engine, called SearchGPT, which aims to give users “fast and timely answers with clear and relevant sources.” The company said it eventually plans to integrate the tool, which is currently being alpha-tested with a small group of users, into its viral chatbot, ChatGPT. Since the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, Alphabet investors have been concerned that OpenAI could take market share from Google in search by giving consumers new ways to seek information online. With this prototype, OpenAI is testing the waters for doing just that, promising users the chance to “search in a more natural, intuitive way” and ask follow-up questions “just like you would in a conversation.” “We think there is room to make search much better than it is today,” OpenAI CEO Sam Altman wrote Thursday in a post on X. Alphabet shares were trading about 2.5% lower on Thursday, while the…
Boeing’s crew spacecraft Starliner will stay docked with the International Space Station into August, NASA confirmed on Thursday, as…
Southwest Airlines is ending open seating and will offer extra legroom seats on its airplanes as mounting pressure on the…
This is part of NBC News’ Checkbook Chronicles, a series of profiles highlighting the financial realities of everyday Americans.…
An important gauge for the Federal Reserve showed inflation eased slightly from a year ago in June, helping to…
With interest rate cuts from the Federal Reserve on the horizon, it could be a good time to shift cash, experts say. …
At Berkshire Hathaway’s annual investor meeting earlier this year, Warren Buffett and his top insurance executive Ajit Jain issued a…
Chipotle Mexican Grill on Wednesday reported quarterly earnings and revenue that topped analysts’ expectations as it saw higher traffic at…
U.S. stocks had their worst day since 2022 on Wednesday amid a broad pullback in tech companies as Wall…