Stocks sold off Friday as inflation and geopolitical worries once again dented investor sentiment on Wall Street. A broad decline in major bank shares also weighed on the market. The Dow Jones Industrial Average slid 475.84 points, or 1.24%, closing at 37,983.24. The S&P 500 tumbled 1.46% at 5,123.41. The Nasdaq Composite pulled back by 1.62% at 16,175.09. At one point in the trading session, the Dow was down by nearly 582 points, or 1.51%. The S&P 500 slid as much as 1.75%. Week to date, the broad market index dropped 1.56%, and the 30-stock Dow fell 2.37%. Meanwhile, the tech-heavy Nasdaq is 0.45% lower for the week. Markets are generally in good shape so far this year. The Dow is up 0.7% year-to-date. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq are up 8% and 9.5% respectively since the beginning of 2024. JPMorgan Chase shares declined more than 6% after the banking giant posted its first-quarter results. The bank said…
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Stocks sold off Friday as inflation and geopolitical worries once again dented investor sentiment on Wall Street. A broad…
Stocks sold off Friday as inflation and geopolitical worries once again dented investor sentiment on Wall Street. A broad…
Stocks sold off Friday as inflation and geopolitical worries once again dented investor sentiment on Wall Street. A broad…
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said Tuesday that the U.S. economy, while otherwise strong, has not seen inflation come back to…