


Norfolk Metals Ltd (Norfolk or the Company) has executed an Exclusivity and Due Diligence Deed with Green Shift Commodities Ltd (GCOM), a company incorporated in Canada, to acquire 100% of the Las Alteras uranium project in Chubut, Argentina (Las Alteras). The successful acquisition will position Norfolk as a multinational multi-project uranium exploration company. This is an important step towards Norfolk’s plans to accumulate high value exploration projects in proven regions while maintaining a favorable company structure and cash reserves. Norfolk signs exclusivity agreement with Green Shift Commodities Ltd (TSXV GCOM) to acquire Las Alteras uranium project located in ArgentinaLas Alteras uranium project surrounded by non-JORC foreign estimates* at URAmerica’s Meseta Central deposit (19.1Mlbs eU308¹), CNEA’s Cerro Solo deposit (11.49Mlbs U308²), ISO Energy’s Laguna Salada deposit (10.1Mlbs U308³) along with the Cerro Condor and Los Adobes historical uranium minesNorfolk receives firm commitments for a strategic placement of A$415,746 via ASX Listing…

Overview Countries worldwide are working towards decarbonization and paying more attention to clean energy sources. About 10 percent of…