


Element 25 Limited (E25 or Company) (ASX: E25; OTCQX: ELMTF) will offer eligible shareholders the opportunity to participate in a non-underwritten share purchase plan (SPP), targeting to raise $5 million (before costs). Under the SPP, eligible Element 25 shareholders, being shareholders who had a registered address in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong or Germany on Element 25’s register on the Record Date (5.00pm Australian Western Standard Time on Monday, 20 May 2024), will have the opportunity to apply for up to $30,000 of New Shares free of any brokerage, commission or transaction costs, subject to the terms and conditions that will be set out in the SPP Booklet to be despatched to eligible shareholders in due course. The SPP will be priced at $0.27 which represents a 14 per cent discount to the volume weighted average price (VWAP) of Element 25 shares over the last five trading days prior to…