All schools and colleges in parts of the Russian region of Belgorod will be closed Monday and Tuesday following an increase in Ukrainian attacks on the territory, the region’s governor has announced. Shopping malls will also be closed Sunday and Monday, Vyacheslav Gladkov added in a statement on Telegram. The affected districts lie alongside the border with Ukraine. The city of Belgorod itself is also subject to the closures. The frequent attacks have brought the war in Ukraine to Russians largely isolated from the conflict. Ukraine’s Spy Chief Kyrylo Budanov said Saturday that Russians are among the sabotage groups attacking the Russian regions of Belgorod and Kursk, which borders Ukraine. “This is a story about how Russians solve this domestic issue. We may like some of them more, others less. But still, both are Russians,” Budanov said. He added, during a broadcast, that attacks would continue. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov…
Russia has filed at least 15 criminal cases after people poured dye in ballot boxes, started fires or lobbed…
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