


Former Syrian regime security forces have been handing in their weapons to the rebel-linked transitional government in the southern Syrian city of Latakia, according to video filmed by Agence France-Presse. The footage, filmed earlier this week, shows long lines of men dressed in plain clothes as they wait to hand in their personal firearms to officials with the new Syrian government’s Ministry of Interior. Officials are seen informally interviewing the men and taking their mugshots as they hand their weapons in, the AFP footage shows. Hundreds of various handguns and ammo can be seen piled high in the corners of the government office. It comes as Syria’s new leadership, led by the group Hayat Tahrir al Sham (HTS), has been working to transfer power peacefully and gain international legitimacy. A Syrian rebel-linked government leader, Mohammad Al-Bashir, has been appointed as the country’s caretaker prime minister for the next three months,…